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1. Setting up

Our guide will show you all the important tasks needed to be completed by the Company Administrator before using Business Banking Online.

Who is this guide for?

To manage your business on Business Banking Online you’ll need at least one person in your company to act as a Company Administrator.

If you have elected to have two Company Administrators to act jointly, then both Company Administrators are required to confirm any changes made in the set-up of your company and its Users.

Your Company Administrator performs a key role and will be responsible for:

  • Establishing and maintaining payment limits for your company and Users
  • Create and maintain Users including the ability to limit access times and payment authorisation limits
  • Assign levels of account access to Users
  • Manage your company details.


Logging on for the first time

To login for the first time you will need:

  • UserID – Sent to the email address you nominated when registering
  • Temporary password – Sent via an SMS text message to your nominated mobile number
  • SecurID® Token – Sent to your address several days after your successful application.
If you have not received these details then please call  1300 554 004 8am - 8pm, Monday to Friday (Sydney time) for assistance.


Logging on

  1. Go to
  2. Select Business Banking Online from the logon dropdown in the top right corner of the screen
  3. On the Business Banking Online logon screen, enter your User ID and your temporary password.



Activate your security device

  1. Logon to Business Banking Online using your UserID and password.
  2. Select the Admin menu
  3. Select Security centre
  4. Select Token activation
  5. Enter the following details in the Token activation screen:
  • Token serial number – this is the 8-12 digit serial number of the back of your token
  • Confirm Token serial number
  • Choose a Token password – choose a password that is 6-8 characters, alphanumeric and contains at least 1 letter and 1 number
  • Confirm the chosen password
  • Token number –the 6 digit number displayed on your token, this number changes every 60 seconds

        6. Click Activate to activate the token.


Need help?



Call us

On  1300 554 004 8am-8pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday

If overseas, please call +61 3 8536 7871.

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