Building wealth
Want sound investment advice and great customer service? St.George has a wealth strategy that's tailored for you.
Ways to invest
Diversify your investment strategy with St.George. Invest in cash, shares, managed funds and more.
Borrowing to invest
A margin loan allows you to borrow to invest in shares, managed funds, master trusts and wraps.
Maximising super
St.George has solutions to help you build your super wealth.
Solutions for wealth builders
Earn competitive rates for a fixed term that suits your needs, from 1 month to 5 years.
A high interest online savings account, with no monthly account service fee and no transaction fees.1
A flexible line of credit that is secured against cash or your existing investments in shares, managed funds and master trusts.2
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Important information
Conditions, fees and credit criteria apply. This information doesn’t take your circumstances into account. Read the terms before making a decision.
1Maxi Saver has no monthly account service fee but other fees and charges apply, including for branch access. To hold a Maxi Saver account you must also hold an eligible St.George working account in the same name or have an existing eligible St.George joint account with your name included in the title. Fees and charges may be payable on your eligible working account.
2St.George’s normal lending criteria apply. Conditions and fees apply and may change.