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Reporting a case with our specialists

How do I report a scam case?

Follow the steps on our How to report page.

What happens next?

Once a case has been created you'll receive a case reference number via SMS. You'll be required to provide your scam specialist this reference number to request an update on the investigation.

Need us to call you back?

You can request a callback if:

  • You received an SMS from us to call you back for assistance with an Online Banking transaction
  • You've been advised to speak to one of our teams.


Requesting an update about an existing case

1. Have your case number handy

Our scams team will require your case number to provide an update. If you don't have this available, refer to your text message from St.George.

2. Speak to a scam specialist

On the right-hand side of your screen select, the Chat now button to start the conversation.

For more information explore our Security Centre

Stay safe, smart and secure

To help better protect you and learn how you can avoid and respond to scams, our Security Hub provides all the information to make yourself a harder target for scammers.

Update to the latest version of the St.George App to stay safe