St.George brand guidelines
Design, editorial and brand guidelines.
Important info

- This site should be your single source of truth. As style guides evolve, be sure to check back here regularly to ensure you use the latest versions.
- However, if you're looking to create a new customer experience beyond these guidelines, please contact the CX team.
If you would like to learn more about Digital Design Governance please refer to this page.
Design elements
SOV Banners (Touch UI)
An up-to-date snapshot of current STG SOV variation placements.
Last updated 27/02/18
Touch UI components
An up-to-date snapshot of current AEM STG Touch UI components.
Last updated 27/02/18
Guidelines & tools
Sketch UI Kit - All brand global assets
The Sketch UI Kit is available as a ‘.zip’ download hosted on GitHub. We frequently update the Sketch UI Kit files so please ensure you have the latest version.