Community Sponsorship
St.George invests in sponsorships that matter to our customers, our employees and our communities across Australia. Our aim is to make a difference through our corporate partnerships. That's why we're proud to support the events and passions that inspire our customers, as well as fans around the country.

Little Wings
St.George is proud to welcome Little Wings into its family. As major partner of this nonprofit organisation, we’re thrilled that our support will help Little Wings continue their remarkable work and commitment to safely fly and transport seriously ill children, from regional NSW, to the specialist medical care they need, at no cost. Learn more.

GingerCloud's Modified Rugby Program
Proudly supported by St.George since its inception in 2014, GingerCloud’s Modified Rugby Program aims to move girls, boys and young adults with Autism, Aspergers or other learning and perceptual disabilities off the sidelines and onto the field, often for the very first time. St.George is proud to be able to support in removing barriers and innovating ways for powering inclusive participation in sport. Learn more.

Sydney Convicts RUFC
St.George Bank is proud to be a partner of the Sydney Convicts, Sydney’s first LGBTQI and all-inclusive Rugby Union team. This partnership compliments our commitment to diversity, inclusion and helping all communities thrive, through a love of sport. Learn more.